Ready. Set. Sleep.

It’s time for you to stop snoring! Our custom fit, precision mouthpiece will get you and your bed partner a better night’s sleep.

Does This Sound Familiar?

Snoring Is Affecting My Relationship.

I Wake Up Exhausted Even After A Full Night’s Sleep.

My CPAP Is Not Working For Me.

Better Sleep Made Easy.

Over 90% of our patients report improved sleep and better overall health.

How Does Oral Appliance Therapy help you Sleep?

Oral Appliance Therapy is designed to hold your lower jaw in precise alignment so that soft tissue in your throat does not collapse and block the airway. Simple as that! Wear the appliance every night while sleeping and experience reduced snoring for a better nights sleep!

Our dentists

Our dental team provides personalized care and uses latest technology to help you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile.

Dr. Jared Cooper

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Dr. Sarah Hopper

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Dr. Steve Wolf

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Dr. Ellen Millman

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Happy customers always have invaluable feedback to share. Check out the stories of our smiling patients.

“For years I was sleeping horribly and it affected my health and my daily life. Arora Sleep set me up with a simple, comfortable and affordable, custom-fitted mouthpiece I wear at night and incredibly my snoring has stopped. Now I sleep great and wake up feeling refreshed. I’m grateful for Arora Sleep, my life has been changed for the better!”
John Michael V.
“Before I started using my device I was constantly fatigued and frustrated. I often would be so exhausted by the end of my work week, I would spend 30 hours of my weekend trying to catch up on sleep — but I never caught up. The device is small, comfortable, and convenient. I had no trouble falling asleep with it the first night I used it. I am incredibly grateful to Arora and this device. It’s given me a fresh start.”
“I sought out Arora because according to my bed partner, I snored at night. I wore my sleep device the first night. According to her, my snoring subsided within 5 days. I recommend, without reservation, this non-invasive, easy to use, device.”
Matt Wyatt


Find lots of useful articles about dental care, including explanations on how oral health affects overall health.


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Take your custom-fitted oral device home and try it for 10 complimentary nights, no charge. If you don’t sleep quieter and your bed partner doesn’t sleep better, you can return it.